africa amsterdam animals athens atlanta avignon beach berlin bike bird boat bridge budapest building car cathedral cctv chill copenhagen england festival fire flower food france gambia germany graffiti greece hdr insects israel italy laboratory leicester liverpool London madrid malawi mali manchester market music münchen night panorama paris police politics rome science senegal sky skyline south africa spain stativ sunset usa vienna Visible Virals walls water
Select category:
Leicester Skyline
Oh Deer
Bradgate park
Leicester Gas Tanks II
Leicester Gas Tanks
Playing with fire
Leicester Lightboy
Snowy Leicester
Pizza Express Chefs – Leicester St. Martins Square
Welford Road Cemetery
Leicester Prison
Post It Art
Polish Grocery
Aylestone Nature Reserve HDR
Going on a break
Young mothers
Leicester University Cricket Ground
Neighbourhood Yard
English Pride in Leicester
Busy Market
Landmark Building: Leicester’s ‘Blue Tower’
Leicester Graffiti
The British Steam Specialties
St. Margaret Graffiti
Darker Street, Leicester