in-flight picture of the Red Robin.

" />

Return of the Robin - May 8, 2010


An in-flight picture of the Red Robin.


Category: Nature.
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Viewed 722 times.
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Comments (6)

  • #1 Anonymous | 8 May 2010

    10 to the ninth power

  • #2 Hans | 9 May 2010


  • #3 mic | 13 May 2010

    nice catch! say hi to robin for me 😉

  • #4 mathieu | 16 May 2010

    merci & I will tell him you said hi 🙂

  • #5 JB - LB^2 | 17 May 2010

    New Work Windows Bckgrd

  • #6 mathieu | 31 May 2010


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