pont d’Avignon being half a useful bridge. Here is a similar shot taken last fall.

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A storm is brewing - April 4, 2010


Minutes before April showers hit us. This shot shows Avignon by the rhône river and the pont d’Avignon being half a useful bridge. Here is a similar shot taken last fall.


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Comments (3)

  • #1 Salut Mathieu | 24 May 2010

    Superbes photos, continue! c’est magique! j’adore celle-ci, elle a un petit air de fin du monde, non? un peu, ‘Priez pour nous pauvres pécheurs…”l’apocalypse n’est pas loin!

  • #2 Anne | 27 June 2012

    Apocalyptique!!! l’inquisition n’est pas loin…

  • #3 mathieu | 30 June 2012

    tres proche! merci Anne

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